June 11-12, 2021 | Virtual Summit
The Event
EE Forward Summits are professional development events that take an interdisciplinary approach to a selected topic and highlight the work of independent professionals whose work revolves around the chosen topic. Our conversations align with the following trends; Community Initiatives, Interpreting Place, and Career Advancement. EE Forward Summits are also partnership-building opportunities built around Talaterra’s values. Talaterra is dedicated to bringing attention to Leaders First, Real Conversation, and Sustainability.
Leaders First
Talaterra is dedicated to bringing attention to the contributions independent professionals make to lifelong learning in their communities.
Real Conversation
Talaterra values meaningful conversation between independent professionals, their colleagues, and community partners.
Talaterra celebrates creative professionals who are changing their communities, and is dedicated to helping them establish a sustainable path forward for themselves & who they serve.
Attendee Perks
Engaging conversation with leaders in the industry,
Full access to the Summit sessions and events,
Exclusive viewing of Kiss the Ground,
Networking Opportunities,
Professional Development created with the independent professional in mind;
Conversations with founders, researchers, teachers, artists & more who are creating community change;
On-demand recorded access to the Summit following the event.
The Schedule
June 11-12th, 2021
Friday, June 11th
10:00 - 10:50 AM (PDT)
Opening Keynote
Working Independently in Community
Tania Marien (Founder, Talaterra)
Project Principal, The Freelance Condition & Lifelong Learning in Communities
+ Learn more about the Opening Address
The field of environmental education is composed of "traditional" organizations large and small such as nature centers, zoos, aquaria, gardens, and other non-profits.
The field is also composed of individuals who do not work for traditional organizations, nor do they identify with the label "environmental educator" even though environmental education is what they do.
These individuals launch initiatives and provide services no one else provides or few others offer. Whatever their approach, they change hearts and minds and inspire behavior change in diverse ways.
Talaterra itself is an example of a self-initiated project started by an individual who does not always identify with the label "environmental educator."
Tania Marien created Talaterra to recognize these independent professionals and what they do.
During this keynote address, Tania will discuss Talaterra's history, intentions, and how it is helping freelance professionals work independently in community.
+ Learn more about Tania Marien
Tania Marien is the founder of Talaterra and director of its initiatives. She is also the host and producer of the Talaterra podcast, where she has conversations with independent professionals who connect people with the outdoors through their work. You can listen to her conversations with these creative professionals on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, and wherever you listen to podcasts.
Talaterra | Tania Marien | Twitter
#talaterra, #eeforwardsummit, #summit, #nature, #freelance, #environmentaleducation, #EnviroEdCareers, #EnviroEdCareer
Friday, June 11th
11:00 - 11:50 (PDT)
Community Initiative
What We Know About Water
Meghan McCarroll
Author, What We Know About Water
Learn More about this Conversation
Water literacy, or the culmination of water-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, is a relatively new field of study. It has growing importance for sustainable water management, as decisions to invest in alternative water sources or implement conservation programs often hinge on public understanding and acceptance. Equally important is its relevance within social water equity, as public water knowledge can boost the number of productive conversations and level of public engagement within water management processes.
However, water literacy is a complex, interdisciplinary concept that can and should be approached in numerous ways. Join us for a conversation with Meghan McCarroll, a PhD candidate from the University of Denver, to explore the framework of water literacy and discuss how all environmental educators might engage with public water literacy development in different ways. Attendees are encouraged to read Meghan’s related publication prior to joining the conversation.
Learn more about Meghan
Meghan is a self-described water nerd and community-engaged scholar. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Colorado in Boulder, and a Master’s degree in Integrated Water Management from the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. She has professional experience collecting abandoned mine discharge across the Rocky Mountains, monitoring the health of the Charles River in Boston, and operating a recycled water treatment plant in Denver. Currently, Meghan is a PhD Candidate at the University of Denver, where she studies water literacy in drought-prone regions within the Geography department. She believes a water literate public is a fundamental component within both sustainable water management and true community engagement in water processes.
Publication: McCarroll M, Hamann H. What We Know about Water: A Water Literacy Review. Water. 2020; 12(10):2803. https://doi.org/10.3390/w12102803
Friday, June 11th
12:00 - 12:50 PM (PDT)
Career Advancement
Lunch Break - What If You Could Craft a Story in 7 Easy Steps?
Diane Wyzga
Founder, Engaged Storyism
Learn more about this conversation
Story and improvisation go together like frogs and mud. In this 30-minute session we'll learn a 7 element story structure that sets up a beginning to establish a routine, a conflict that breaks the routine, a climax that resolves the conflict, and a resolution. Come prepared to improv and walk away with a tool you can use to convey a story in any setting!
Learn more about Diane Wyzga
Remember the first time you rode a bike and took your hands off the handlebars? And then because it felt fun and daring you did it again and again until you were riding down a hill with the wind blowing your hair and your hands up over your head screaming, “Look ma! No hands!” Whether you crashed and burned and saw the inside of the Emergency Department with a busted arm or sailed safely through - you showed up, you did it.
I've been letting go of the handle bars and showing up all my life through an array of professional careers chosen to help people: US Navy nurse, attorney, teacher, public speaker, writer, platform storyteller, litigation consultant, and most recently podcaster. 30 years of story work in many settings has taught me that authentic story principles are key to conscious connection using direct emotional language with power, passion and precision. The sorcery of stories is this: they help us to be seen and heard; to understand and be understood. Together let’s transform hazy ideas and messages into confident, connection-making stories.
Diane is also the host and producer of the Stories From Women Who Walk podcast where she conducts InnerViews with women who are walking their lives while their lives walked them, and the lasting difference these journeys have made. You can listen to her podcast on Simplecast or your favorite podcast platform, including Android. “Come for the stories - stay for the magic!”
Friday, June 11th
1:00 - 1:50 PM (PDT)
Community Initiative
Inclusive Approaches in Climate Resilience Partnerships
Rupu Gupta
Conservation Psychologist, Knology
Learn more about this conversation
The session focuses on partnerships between informal science learning organizations and community organizations in advancing resilience efforts in two urban areas that are nearly surrounded by water. It presents a model for community-focused climate resilience efforts that underscores the role of relationship building and inclusive practices as the foundation to co-create community resilience efforts. It will provide insights on the complex, socio-ecological systems where resilience efforts are focused, the overlaps between social and environmental challenges, residents’ perceptions of “resilience”, and how equitable opportunities for community engagement can be created.
The short presentation will be followed by a guided discussion with the audience.
Learn more about Rupu Gupta
Rupu Gupta is a conservation psychologist with expertise in inclusive practices in the environmental movement, culturally responsive approaches, climate resilience partnerships, and STEM learning pathways. She has published on the conflicting pedagogies in the environmental sector and recommended strategies to overcome them. She leads Knology’s Biosphere research.
Friday, June 11th
2:00 - 2:50 PM (PDT)
Interpreting Place, This conversation will be led by Erica Fielder and Rupu Gupta and will address two topics.
Where’s Your Watershed and What Lives There?
Erica Fielder
MFA, Erica Fielder Studio, Interpretive Displays Start to Finish
Learn more about this conversation
Introduction to watershed through outdoor, hands-on experiences.
Learn more about Erica Fielder
Erica Fielder spent nine years as a resident naturalist at Jughandle Farm and Nature Center on California's north coast. There, she designed programs to educate school groups and adults about the Mendocino Coast's natural world. Simultaneously, the California State Coastal Conservancy invited Erica to create interpretive displays for wetland habitats along California's 1,100-mile coastline. Using science, writing, and artistic skills, she launched her decades-long career as an interpretive display designer for parks and museums.
Erica has a B.A. in art, a minor in the natural sciences, and a Master of Fine Arts degree. She is co-author of Ecology for City Kids and City Safaris, a Sierra Club guide to teaching ecology in cities.
To view Erica’s current work, visit www.ericafielderstudio.com
Introduction to Perspectives on Environmental Education (Card Sorting Exercise) that can reveal one’s personal views on the purpose of EE
Rupu Gupta
Conservation Psychologist, Knology
Learn more about this conversation
20-minute explanation and slides: The EE Perspectives Exercise is designed as a starting point for educators to think about their role in the field of environmental educators (EE), to appreciate the many views and perspectives on EE held by their colleagues.
The Bird Feeder Hat and other outdoor activities with grownups and kids reflect insights one can learn from doing the Sorting Exercise.
30 minute Q&A: (With a few questions from us to get conversations going.)
Learn more about Rupu Gupta
Rupu Gupta is a conservation psychologist with expertise in inclusive practices in the environmental movement, culturally responsive approaches, climate resilience partnerships, and STEM learning pathways. She has published on the conflicting pedagogies in the environmental sector and recommended strategies to overcome them. She leads Knology’s Biosphere research.
Saturday, June 12th
10:00 - 10:50 AM (PDT)
Community Initiative
Food, Water & You
Don Smith
Soil Scientist, Kiss the Ground
Learn more about this Conversation
Don Smith will discuss the history of Kiss the Ground, and why its mission of awakening people to the possibilities of regeneration is so important. He will share the powerful impacts agriculture can have on the quality of our food and the water cycle. And most importantly he will share how you can be part of the solution to so many of humanity's greatest challenges.
Kiss the Ground and Talaterra have arranged an exclusive viewing of the Kiss the Ground Movie. Summit participants will have the opportunity to view the movie and prepare questions for Don in advance of this conversation.
Learn more about Don Smith
Don is a speaker, teacher, and student of regenerative agriculture and regenerative lifestyles. His talks are engaging, inspiring, and filled with viable solutions to the world’s largest problems. In addition to speaking, Don helps Kiss the Ground with editing, technical details, and infographics promoting soil as a solution to climate change.
Kiss the Ground is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to awaken people to the possibilities of regeneration and inspire participation in this movement through media, communications, education, workshops, immersive programming, and advocacy.
Saturday, June 12th
11:00 - 11:50 AM (PDT)
Career Advancement
Adapting Vital Educational Programs to the Online Environment
Mark & Crystal Mandica
Co-founders, Amphibian Foundation
learn more about this Conversation
Educational programs are vital to the environmental nonprofit in that they address multiple needs. The first being that they often promote the specific mission of conservation-based organizations by increasing a community’s capacity to understand the relationship we have with our environment, and empower people to create and implement solutions in their own lives, and in their network. The second need is that these educational programs often provide a way for organizations to generate their own revenue, and become less reliant on soft money (i.e., grants and federal funds) to carry out their mission. In these ways, educational programs are vital to environmental nonprofits.
In 2020, the Amphibian Foundation (AF), like many other organizations, had to cancel their educational programs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and refund 10s of thousands of dollars to disappointed students and campers. When suddenly faced with this extreme financial uncertainty, AF adapted our two most popular programs (one for children, one for adults) for the online learning community, and had incredible success: both in reaching a brand new and global audience, and in finding new avenues for supporting the financial needs of the nonprofit. As we look toward the post-COVID world, we are hoping to further connect our passionate in-person learning programs, with our growing and diverse global online community.
Learn More about Mark & Crystal Mandica
Mark and Crystal Mandica are the Co-Founders of the Atlanta-based Amphibian Foundation — a nonprofit dedicated to the conservation of imperiled amphibians. As Executive Director, Mark has developed dynamic partnerships to create and implement conservation projects in the southeastern US. As Director of Education, Crystal has developed unique and exciting programs which elevate awareness of amphibians, and inspire environmental stewardship across a diversity of youth.
Technically a family-owned business, the Mandicas have grown the Foundation to over 100 staff, students, volunteers, and interns as well as fostered partnerships with over 60 local, regional, and international organizations, focused on conserving amphibians and their habitats through research and education.
Amphibian Foundation | Critter Camp | Master Herpetologist | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
#amphibianfoundation, #amphibianfound, #amphibiousAF, #CritterCamp, #MasterHerpetologist, #MasterHerper
Saturday, June 12th
12:00 - 12:50 PM (PDT)
Community Initiative
Networking Lunch
Join us in a network-wide chat while you enjoy lunch off-camera. You will see the chat go live in the navigation area located on the left of your screen when signed into the event space. Click on the chat to join us.
Saturday, June 12th
1:00 - 1:50 PM (PDT)
Interpreting Place
Interpreting Place Through Sound: Water
Alastair Duncan
Founder & Director, StillWalks
learn more about this Conversation
Listening - All environments, natural or man-made, produce sound. It may be expected that a natural place holds more pleasing sounds, but it is how we experience and respond to the sounds that influences how we comprehend that environment and whether or not we benefit from it. Listening is when we focus on the sounds and bring them from background (hearing) to foreground and begin to understand the richness and nuances contained within. The focus of this conversation will be on water as an audio element of different environments, and also the different forms or sources of water in an environment. From rain to rivers and rivers to seas - we will look at how the sounds of water appear in visual terms and consider different ways of listening and interpreting what we hear.
Participant requirements: pencil or pen and paper
Learn more about Alastair Duncan and StillWalks®
Originally trained in tapestry weaving and design at Cleveland College of Art, UK, Alastair moved to Wales in 1983 where he established a studio in Swansea's Maritime Quarter. He went on to develop his professional practice completing numerous major commissions for the corporate, private and public sectors. He is a member of The British Tapestry Group and The American Tapestry Alliance and has exhibited widely in the UK and Europe.
From 1995 his work extended to digital media, first in large scale digital print design and followed by interactive audiovisual media. In 2005 he built his own studio from which he now runs StillWalks® and continues his original tapestry weaving practice. He is currently developing new work with interactive tapestry weaving and sound. Alastair founded StillWalks® in 2012 and is currently developing programmes of work for individuals and organisations. He has a unique background in leading innovative interactive projects to develop understanding and insight through a wide range of educational and community resources.
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
#listening, #deeplistening, #sound, #environment, #watersounds
Saturday, June 12th
2:00 - 2:50 PM (PDT)
Interpreting Place
Experiencing Water Through the Senses: A Nature Journaling Exploration
Bethan Burton
Founder, International Nature Journaling Week
Host/Producer, Journaling with Nature podcast
Learn More about this Conversation
In this workshop we will explore a mangrove habitat, considering how we experience the water in this ecosystem through each of the five senses. We will use nature journaling as a tool to capture our sensory observations, using words, pictures and numbers to build a rich journal page.
Learn more about Bethan Burton
Bethan Burton is an artist and environmental educator from Brisbane, Australia. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Conservation Biology and a Master of Environment majoring in Education for Sustainability. She teaches nature journaling to all age groups and is passionate about connecting people with the natural world. Bethan is the founder of International Nature Journaling Week, an event designed to celebrate nature journaling and bring people together as a world-wide community with a shared passion. She is also the host of Journaling With Nature Podcast, a show which explores the joys of nature journaling through interviews with nature lovers from around the world.
Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
#journalingwithnature #naturejournaling
Saturday, June 12th
3:00 - 3:30 PM (PDT)
2021 EEForward Summit | Closing Remarks
Tania Marien
Founder, Talaterra
Closing remarks will be a celebration of the first-ever EE Forward Summit.
Our Speakers
Bethan Burton
Founder, International Nature
Journaling Week
Alastair Duncan
Founder & Director,
Erica Fielder
Erica Fielder Studio
Dr. Rupu Gupta
Conservation Psychologist,
Mark Mandica
Founder, Executive Director, The Amphibian Foundation
Crystal Mandica
Founder, Director of Education, The Amphibian Foundation
Meghan McCarroll
What We Know About Water
Don Smith
Soil Scientist,
Kiss the Ground
Diane Wyzga
Quarter Moon Story Arts
Keynote Speaker
Tania Marien
2021 Summit Tickets
Registration is now closed for the 2021 EEForward Summit.
Join our newsletter so you get notified when registration for our next virtual Summit opens.
Admission to the 2021 EEForward Summit:
Dates: June 11-12, 2021
The event space opens June 7!
Location: Anywhere with a strong Wifi connection
Time: 10AM PDT - 3:30PM PDT (1PM EST - 6:30PM EST)
Ticket Prices:
Early Bird Registration: $89 (May 3rd - June 3rd)
Late Registration: $125 (June 4th - 9th)
What’s a digital summit?
A jam-packed two days of real-talk discussions & presentations, and networking opportunities to meet leaders in the industry for career advancement discussions.
How Admission Works:
You will receive an email the week of the event to unlock access to our digital event space. Once you enter, you’ll be able to access the full schedule for each day, including the livestream of Kiss the Ground (available only for 72 hours), and more!
Event Replays:
If you miss a session discussion or want to check it out again, you’ll have access to all recorded sessions for one week following the event.
Copyright © 2021 Talaterra, Inc.