the Talaterra Podcast | All Episodes
Episode 78: Claudia Diaz-Carrasco, Engaging Latinx Youth
Claudia Diaz-Carrasco’s community research becomes the foundation for a series of practitioner briefs by the University of California Extention, Agriculture and Natural Resources division.
Episode 77: Dean Waye, Audience Attention
Professional copywriter Dean Waye discusses how environmental education professionals can earn and keep audience attention.
Episode 76: The Reach of Freelance Environmental Education Professionals
How many people do freelance environmental education professionals engage with through their work?
Episode 75: Sara Lynn Cramb, Nature Coloring Pages
Sara Lynn Cramb is a designer and illustrator who makes learning fun through her books and coloring project for teachers, students, and parents.
Episode 73: Earliest Memory of Enjoying Nature
What is your earliest memory of enjoying nature?
Episode 72: Nicole Felts, Felts Family Farmette
If you've ever thought about starting an urban farm, bringing fresh and nutritious food to your community, and serving as an educational resource, you'll want to listen to Nicole's story.
Episode 71: Dr. Lee Ann Woolery, Field Biology with Citizen Artist
Dr. Lee Ann Woolery created Art-Based Perceptual Ecology, an interdisciplinary approach to field biology. Learn more about her research and her plans to teach this approach to others.
Episode 70: Plant Awareness Disparity, Kathryn Parsley and Dr. Elisabeth Schussler
A conversation with Kathryn Parsley and Dr. Elisabeth Schussler about “plant blindness” and the reasons why formal and informal educators should consider using Plant Awareness Disparity when referring to it in their programs.
Episode 69: The Trailhead Community
The Trailhead is the newest initiative by Talaterra. It is an open forum for independent professionals working in environmental education.
Episode 68: Kathayoon Khalil, Empathy in Environmental Education
Wildlife conversationist, Dr. Kathayoon Khalil, discusses the role empathy can play in environmental education.
Episode 67: Rayma Peterson, Art Projects for Classrooms and Families
Rayma Peterson writes a book about fine art projects for teachers and families.
Episode 66: Bethan Burton, Building Bridges
Bethan Burton establishes a new way to connect nature journalers worldwide.
Episode 65: Darrel Griffin, LinkedIn Strategies for Environmental Educators
LinkedIn Strategist, Darrel Griffin, offers insight into how environmental education professionals can use the networking platform.
Episode 64: Kathryn Owen, Evaluating Community Events
Kathryn Owen offers insight into how freelance environmental educators can evaluate their community programs.
Episode 63: Alastair Duncan, Interpreting Place Through Sound
Alastair Duncan is an award-winning artist and an educator who uses sound to interpret place.
Episode 62: Katura Reynolds, Creating Bilingual Learning Environments
Interpretive content developer Katura Reynolds shares what she has learned about creating bilingual learning environments.
Episode 61: Kate Field, Regenerative Farming
Kate Field is co-founder of Leap Farm, an award-winning farm in Tasmania where she takes an ecological approach to farming.
Episode 60: What is Environmental Education for?
Is environmental education about advocacy? Behavior Change? Science education? Something else?
What do you think it’s for?
Episode 59: The Future of Work
The future of work is uncertain. But you don’t need to navigate it alone.